
Hey, I’m Mohamed Wishan, a passionate software engineer and artist on a quest for knowledge and creativity. This digital sanctuary is where my coding conundrums and creative concoctions converge. If you want to know more about me and what to expect from this site then keep on reading or you can dive head first by checking out the Maps of Content for the whole site.Either way welcome, and enjoy the exploration!

Home Base

If you’re lost on where to explore, then the home base is the perfect place to start. It serves as the Map of Content for all of my notes, ideas, projects and so much more.

About Me

Software Engineer Extraordinaire

As a software engineer, my world revolves around turning ideas into elegant, functional solutions. My journey in code has taken me through the various landscapes of programming languages, frameworks and algorithmic challenges. Check out my list of projects where I meticulously capture my learnings, breakthroughs, and the fascinating quirks of the coding universe.

Artistic Explorer

But there’s more to me than just code. I’d like to think that I am more of a creative at heart. From old school pen and ink works to a more modern and digital mediums such as Blender and even exploring the convergence or art and programming through generative and algorithmic art, you can find a whole variety or mediums, styles and structures that I have tried out over the years.

The Chronicles of Learning

Step into my virtual notebook, where I share the raw, unfiltered documentation of my learning journey. Whether it’s debugging a complex algorithm or capturing the essence of a fleeting artistic idea, my Obsidian notes are a testament to my dedication to continuous improvement in both the realms of code and canvas.


This site is and forever will be a work in progress. This is meant serve as a record of my thoughts and ideas they flow through me so don’t take it too seriously.